. Continuity also supports Optifine-format emissive textures for block and item models. 1 Fabric & Quilt. Get Modrinth App. Optifine has that extremely useful feature called "Emessive Textures" and it would've been really cool to see it in Sodium too! Additional context Emessive Textures are basically some glowing textures (e. 6 or. I like to say that this pack is for people that doesn't like to use pack. 18. 4k 1. 17. Description. Here is something JellySquid wrote on discord (in #faq):CurseForge is one of the biggest mod repositories in the world, serving communities like Minecraft, WoW, The Sims 4, and more. I don't know why. 1. i have this problem too . 3, but Continuity doesn't have a version of 1. . 2 of Sodium is planned to support it though so you won't need to wait too long. 18 Mods Minecraft 1. Connected Ground Textures. Normal. CTMF also adds. It is designed to provide full Optifine parity for all resource packs that use the Optifine CTM format. 1 while I am running 1. Bedrockify ports several parity features (mainly clientside) from Bedrock, like coordinates display, better loading screens, and a better chat! Universal. A Fabric mod that allows for efficient connected textures. Description This mod is DISCONTINUED and no further development will be done. 76 per yard. 16. A modern OpenGL rendering pipeline for chunk rendering that takes advantage of multi-draw techniques, allowing for a significant reduction in CPU overhead (~90%) when rendering the world. THIS PACK INCLUDES: Regular Glass with Connected Textures (Fancy) All Stained Glass Varieties with Connected Textures (Fancy)Connected Glass adds new types of glass with connecting textures! This includes regular, clear and the old glass textures! CurseForge. . Can be configured or turned. Forge: Install the latest version of CTM and apply the resource pack. As people have mentioned, Iris for shaders, okzoomer is also great for optifine zoom features. The pack has to work with Sodium btw. But after trying to play minecraft. 18 that makes blocks like glass connected textures like in Optifine. Fingers cross that's soon! :) Sodium is absolutely fantastic otherwise. Reproduction Steps. - A pack that make things in Nether The End emissive by using CTMF format (from Connected Texture Fabric mod) - Requirement: (again) + Connected Texture. If we could get a few little things like connected textures and skies, i think i could live without shaders. This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4. Install Fabric into your Minecraft Launcher. 3. Continuity is a Fabric mod built around modern APIs to allow for the most efficient connected textures experience possible. 19. glass texture of this resourcepack have a very clear texture and connected texture compatibility with CTM optifine and with CTM mod (forge or fabric) - OptiFine (. 3,430 follower s. 4) adds new types of glass with connecting textures! This includes regular, clear, and the old glass textures!Normally it works fine, except when placing them in this way. Report Follow . Connected texture are textures with a special layout which allows them to connect to other blocks when combined with the connecting model type. This community of practice aims to inform how the design of. I used CTM (connected textures mod) and bits and chisels to test, and CTM didn't connect textures, and bits and chisels crashes the game. If you want more OptiFine features on Fabric, you can either check this list, made by LambdaAurora, or you can use the Fabulously Optimized. Newt+ supports almost all of OptiFine features such as dynamic lights, shaders, zoom, and connected. Continuity. 3. 0 40 0. This is simply just a port to 1. A bunch of people asked for an alternative version of Pipez - Recreated - there it is!CurseForge is one of the biggest mod repositories in the world, serving communities like Minecraft, WoW, The Sims 4, and more. Iris Mod (Shaders for fabric/quilt loader), requires Sodium (Performance mod) and recommends Indium for compatibility. Hunter Douglas Alustra Woven Textures Roller Shades offer a distinguished yet understated alternative to light filtering roller and solar screen shades. 20. 8 it was working. In this video I show you how to download, get & install Connected Textures & Glass for Sodium on Fabric (& Iris Shaders). No branches or pull requests. 20 Other Texture Pack. Connectibles Resource Pack (1. 5 Simplistic Texture Pack. CTM/CTMF allows resource packs to create dynamic models by adding custom JSON to model or texture metadata files. It includes two built-in resource packs - one provides default connected textures, similar to OptiFine, and the other provides a fix. 16x Minecraft Bedrock Other Texture Pack. Continuity. What resource packs does this support? Animatica adds support for resource packs that use custom animated textures This includes: Animated GUI textures; Animated entity textures; Animated. 19. . I've found alternatives for most of optifines features, thanks to people porting sodium and iris over to forge. Mods must respect the Minecraft's EULA. I tried another resource pack with connected textures and it worked fine, so hopefully you can fix it. x 2. 6-fabric-mc1. A Minecraft mod for the Fabric mod loader intended to load the MCPatcher/OptiFine animated texture format. At Bib n’Tucker Quilting, we carry more than 5000 bolts of fabric. Continuity - A Fabric mod that allows for efficient connected textures. 20. - Clear versions of the regular glass textures! Scratched Glass - The old programmer art glass textures! Tinted Glass - Connecting and colored versions of the tinted glass textures! - Tinted glass prevents light from passing through! FAQ Why does Connected Glass not work with Sodium? Sodium ignore the Fabric rendering API. Download Indium. Browse and download Minecraft Connectedglass Texture Packs by the Planet Minecraft community. Sodium (again, main performance mod) Lithium (optimizes world updates, chunk loading, and world generation) Starlight (optimizes lighting updates)- Clear versions of the regular glass textures! Scratched Glass - The old programmer art glass textures! Tinted Glass - Connecting and colored versions of the tinted glass textures! - Tinted glass prevents light from passing through! FAQ Why does Connected Glass not work with Sodium? Sodium ignore the Fabric rendering API. Here's a comprehensive list of OptiFine alternatives for Forge on MC 1. 11. Level 25: Expert Professor. I have also tried borderless glass resource pack but that completely removes the borders and. shaders, connected textures). 0). Of course, the connected textures are working fine, but when placing glass behind other glass, some weird visual glitches occur (related to culling perhaps?). 18. Or if you use Forge 47. 19. These textures connect to adjacent blocks for a. Optifine is incompatible with most optimization mods such as. you can use continuity for optifine resource pack it can work Continuity also supports Optifine-format emissive textures for block and item models. ConnectedTexturesMod for Fabric tries to maintain feature parity with the original ConnectedTexturesMod so that CTM/Chisel format resource packs can work on both platforms without any changes. TheCurs3r. net. 16 and better performance enhancing mod on the rise like Sodium, I wanted ask if you know any alternate mods for these following Optifine features: Optifine CTM (connected textures) Shaders. 19. 1 Anyone Knows Of(Hopefully Compatible To Sodium)@IMS212 But connected textures support is not working properly or is not completely integrated in the mods. I have the same problem and have been looking a bunch to. A Fabric mod that allows for efficient connected textures. Natural Textures (examples, idea) Removes the gridlike pattern created by repeating blocks of the same type. Athena's connected texture method (CTM) is designed specifically for these models to minimize unnecessary calculations and. If neither of these options work for you, there is this project making connected glass for vanilla, no mods required. Source Code. No milestone. Continuity is a Fabric mod built around modern APIs to allow for the most efficient connected textures experience possible. But the only thing I miss from optifine is the connected glass textures. CTM/CTMF by itself does not add connected textures. Good luck if you keep looking but not sure if there is anything better. This will not work with optifine, and is only for fabric (sodium/iris). Connected textures are already fixable using the Continuity mod. 147 follower s. CTMF also adds. 5 Other Texture Pack. Clear Glass Resource Pack (1. Move the camera around a bit. i want to use 'Name depending item textures'. 19 and sodium 1. 6k. 18. Thank you! Nano1535 •. 29. 16 (unoficial - updated build for 1. It is designed to provide full Optifine parity for all resource packs that use the Optifine CTM format. 2, and I have found out that sodium is not made for all PCs. 223 Save 21K views 1 year ago #connectedglass #minecraftsodium #irisshaders In this video I show you how to download, get & install Connected Textures & Glass mod for Sodium on Fabric (&. 2 Mods Minecraft 1. With over 800 million mods downloaded every month and over 11 million active monthly users, we are a growing community of avid gamers, always on the hunt for the next thing in user-generated content. It is a client-side only mod that requires the Fabric API and utilizes the Fabric Rendering API for. I don't know why. Note that Chisel Decor does not require Connected Block Textures mod to. vertical: Connect to blocks above and below only. you could see endermen eyes glowing in the darkness or diamonds in a cave, P. 1. If a version says it's for 1. Zealousideal_Zone_69 • 1 yr. for fabric you need two mods: Continuity and Indium. 17. 3,435 follower s. Connected Glass and Textures were k. 6-fabric-mc1. x 7. Or for fabric users. 2, it's called Bette. In this video I show you how to download, get & install Connected Textures & Glass for Sodium on Fabric (& Iris Shaders). It is designed to provide full Optifine parity for all resource packs that use the Optifine CTM format. Optifine isn't compatible with this texture pack but Faithful includes files needed anyway so you should be able to use Optifine. r/feedthebeast. 40. But after trying to play minecraft. 2? In this guide, I'll show you. 0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4. . 17 branch from Github and compiled it, but it did nothing. Continuity is another Fabric mod that enables connecting textures through the use of a resource. If you would like optifine formatted connected textures (simply just changes how it's set up in the resource pack . Connected Textures. . Added a custom model for glass panes for fix rendering from panel layer . This was mainly. Go to the Downloads page on the OptiFine website and download the latest version of. Continuity also supports Optifine-format emissive textures for block and item models. If you know some, please post the link under this thread. 4. This can make a huge difference to frame rates for most computers that are not bottle-necked by the. Supports almost all Optifine features, like connected textures, shaders, and zooming! Vanilla Enhancements. CurseForge is one of the biggest mod repositories in the world, serving communities like Minecraft, WoW, The Sims 4, and more. CTM takes the baked model provided by vanilla and transforms it on. 20. Here's a quote from Jellysquid herself: #OFOFF (7/8)” Download. Screenshots Hyper Realistic Sky by UsernameGeri. “Quality Settings > Connected Textures” to. 6+9ff28f40a9 fabric-textures-v0: Fabric Textures (v0) 1. In this video I show you how to download, get & install Connected Textures & Glass mod for Sodium on Fabric (& Iris Shaders). " popped up. 2. BUT it is a. For example I had to update immersive portals to the latest version, but had to create a new. Fabulously Optimized adalah lebih pantas daripada OptiFine dikeranakan mod prestasi moden seperti Sodium, Lithium dan yang lain. I've been having the same problem, not even the connected textures mod alongside with indium seems to make it work yetSTOP USING OPTIFINE GODDAMIT ! Tips. 4. Connected Glass Mod (1. 5 Other Texture Pack. 6. The mod worked normal for most of the part in some parts glass had some lines around it. A modpack that brings most features of optifine into a sodium modpack. Indium is based upon the reference implementation Indigo, which is part of Fabric API with source. Fix Russian translation. Eventually I found a connected textures mod for fabric but it apparently doesn't work with sodium unless you use indium. like this. Meaning this will only work for any 1. Report. . Dakota's Sodium Connected Textures. Continuity is a Fabric mod. Fabric Screen Handler API (v1) 1. x 3. Canvas 另一种渲染方式. Improve sandstone, bookshelf, and standard glass textures. g. Related Posts. The Fabric Rendering API is required for many mods that use advanced rendering effects, and is currently not. Canvas Renderer CurseForge Modrinth - Canvas is a shader-based Renderer for the Fabric modding toolchain. This is meant as a port of CTM, so resourcepacks built on the CTM mod by tterag can run on Fabric. 16 and better performance enhancing mod on the rise like Sodium, I wanted ask if you know any alternate mods for these following Optifine features: Optifine CTM (connected textures) Shaders. MESLewis mentioned this issue on Nov 24, 2021. But one problem was I wanted connected glass textures as i HATE the default glass. The Fabric Rendering API is required for many mods that use advanced rendering effects, and is currently not supported by Sodium directly. It includes several features from other mods, packaged into one add-on that you'll want to install for the best experience. Fixed an issue causing GeckoLib hats to not render properly on the Sodium module. 3, and it crashes the game when I open it. 36. Replaces Optifine with core performance enhancements and new rendering system for the game, alongside shader support from Optifine and specific performance edits made to Sodium for shaders. Download Connected Glass 1. 🤷♂️Have you found something working?. CTM doesn't work with Sodium unless you use Indium. 4. 16 Users: Connected Textures Mod (Not available for 1. Does anyone know which mod caused this or whether it's vanilla? I'm honestly just curious. For fabric: Continuity is required; Sodium is highly recommended (if using sodium then Indium is required) All supported blocks (fabric) All supported blocks (forge). AltonicKeys 3 months ago • posted 2 years ago. Minecraft's default mode makes it hard to tab out. But one problem was I wanted connected glass textures as i HATE the default glass. Connected Glass Mod (1. Continuity. It is designed to provide full Optifine parity for all resource packs that use the Optifine CTM format. I returned to the mod page and downloaded the mod. 4. Hello there. 16+ Saturation Mod Connected texture. It is designed to provide full Optifine parity for all resource packs that use the Optifine CTM format. 1. But for some reason when i turn on the texture pack nothing changes. There is Z-fighting on the edges of the blocks. OptiFine is known to replace large sections of vanilla code, and is now has years of technical. 2. The Fabric Rendering API is required for many mods that use advanced rendering effects, and is currently not supported by Sodium directly. 4. Continuity. By adding Iris. Sodium is a performance mod that outperforms Optifine by quite a lot, as well as being open sourced and has more recent improvements. If you can fix that sodium bug with an Indium style patch, then you can promote the vanilla emissive texture format. Continuity is another Fabric mod that enables connecting textures through the use of a resource. This video shows how to have nice-looking connected textures with the supposedly incompatible Sodium FPS-boosting mod. This allows for a much. 21, and Fabric API 0. Especially, copper blocks have transitions between the. Crash reports can be found in . 20. Published on Jun 11, 2023. Progress: 100% complete: Game Version. 2 & 1. 14] And be sure to leave your thoughts about the latest textures! Jappa's Twitter: @JasperBoerstra . 16 - 1. Indium is based upon the reference implementation Indigo, which is part of Fabric API with source. 16. Does not required Optifine 1. For example, you can use Continuity if you want to use the connected textures format with Fabric. Java version. The complete mods list. Although other lists exist, this list aims to be an simple feature replacement list that aims not to overwhelm you. It's literally supposed to though, according to its description on slide 2. Uses rotated and flipped variants of the base block texture. CarbonGhost's OptiFine alternatives. Optifine CEM (Custom entity models)Connected Textures. Sodium Modrinth - Sodium is a free and open-source rendering engine replacement for the Minecraft client which greatly improves frame rates and. (They all either require optifine or are not compatible with sodium) CTM/CTMF by itself does not add connected textures. Version information sodium-fabric-mc1. 2. Sodium (again, main performance mod) Lithium (optimizes world updates, chunk loading, and world generation) Starlight (optimizes lighting updates)Download Connected Glass 1. connected-block-textures. Continuity is a Fabric mod built around modern APIs to allow for the most efficient connected textures experience possible. This mod tries to do everything “by the book” as far as rendering is concerned. The pack was designed to be compatible with ConnectedTexturesMod-Fabric! However, it also has some support for Optifine, and it's fabric CTM alternative: Connected Block Textures. v0. • 5 days ago. In this video I show you how to download, get & install Connected Textures & Glass mod for Sodium on Fabric (& Iris Shaders). 19. Created a year ago. Continuity is a Fabric mod built around modern APIs to allow for the most efficient connected textures experience possible. Download Fabric API. Credit. Tried different combinations with iris+sodium and/or fabric. 5k 40. 20 Experimental Texture Pack. Indium is an addon for the rendering optimisation mod Sodium, providing support for the Fabric Rendering API. 20. Actual Behavior. Continuity. 15. 18. Check out these great fabrics, then. 20 on Modrinth. 17. CTM Refabricated. Continuity also supports Optifine-format emissive textures for block and item models. 19 kept crashing my game, it wouldn’t even load so I decided to switch over to iris/sodium and fabric. we've all been thinking the same thing for a while. How To Get Connected Glass & Textures Minecraft 1. Mods Plugins Data Packs. 2) was specifically made to add a connected texture to a variety of blocks. It is designed to provide full Optifine parity for all resource packs that use the Optifine CTM format. A port of "Ok Zoomer" from Fabric, bound to C, allows you to view far away objects more easily. The complete mods list. Add an optional built-in resource pack to have snowy fences. OptiFine parity. . 12. This will not work with optifine, and is only for fabric (sodium/iris). The connected textures pack mentioned above works without Canvas, as does LambDynamicLights (get that torch in your hand light back) and LogicalZoom. Performance. BigDickOriole • 5 mo. Add programmer art connected textures; Improve sandstone, bookshelf, and standard glass textures. Indium Mod:Mod:questions write in th. Report. As Optifabric support ends in 1. Continuity is a Fabric mod built around modern APIs to allow for the most efficient connected textures experience possible. Connected Textures mod for Fabric - Download the Minecraft Mod CTM Refabricated by. 0. Sodium completely changes the rendering, so it's not comptable with stuff like connected textures. All mods I find either need optifine or makes the glass connect to all blocks. There is no connected textures that work with the sodium mod most unfortunately. Will be force-enabled if there is modded path block rendering present (such as connected textures). This is by far the best as ConnectedTexturesMod required an external glass pane fix, while Continuity adds this into the mod as a feature. Download Indium. connected-block-textures. Sodium addon providing support for the Fabric Rendering API, based on Indigo (by comp500) #fabric-mod #indigo #sodium. There is 3 options to get Connected Glass with Clean and Clear Glass : A. You can use Fabric + Sodium / Iris Shaders + Fabric API + Continuity Mod for Fabric + Indium for connected. - Clear versions of the regular glass textures! Scratched Glass - The old programmer art glass textures! Tinted Glass - Connecting and colored versions of the tinted glass textures! - Tinted glass prevents light from passing through! FAQ Why does Connected Glass not work with Sodium? Sodium ignore the Fabric rendering API. Now finally the mod Iris was published that is. Bedrockify ports several parity features (mainly clientside) from Bedrock,. Labels. 3, is there another option? why does it take so long to update? I thought the last update only changed the creative inventoryThe continuity mod supports the optifine emmisive textures and connected textures formats. r/ecobee. 728. To solve this isntall Indium. 17. Welcome to CTM Refabricated, a port of ConnectedTexturesMod for Fabric which is a port of the ConnectedTexturesMod (a mouthful, I know) CTM Refabricated allows resource packs to add connected textures, emissive rendering, and much more. The latest glass with Connected Textures! Try out the Latest Official Minecraft Resource Pack [1. horizontal: Connect to blocks on left and right only. Add order-independent transparency for translucent blocks python-b5/sodium-fabric Translucency sort using compute shaders MESLewis/sodium-fabric 26 participants and. Incompatible with Connected Textures mod CaffeineMC/sodium-fabric#61. 1k 977. 9 Fabric. Yes. This mod allows resource packs to add connected textures, emissive rendering, and much more. This fork is still a work in progress. CTM Hysteria. Use Rubidium + Oculus, those are the "replacement" for optifine on forge, Iris and Sodium are Fabric mods, and Magnesium doesn't work well with Oculus. 15. It is designed to provide full Optifine parity for all resource packs that use the Optifine CTM format. It's feature rich and, historically, has improved performance. 1+build. I personally recommend CTMF instead of CBT for connected block textures, as it has a more active development. Whoever does eventually make shaders that work with sodium will be heralded as king or queen of minecraft. 1. Adds connected textures to Minecraft. Continuity depends on the Fabric API and is client-side only. A Fabric mod that allows for efficient connected textures. 0 Alpha 5. Minecraft 1. Use Continuity instead for connected textures. Works on any vanilla servers! Built for Multiplayer Continuity. 31M download s. 162282 downloads. This is the best I could find. We've shared some images of our current stock in this gallery. . There are no plans to add this feature to sodium directly, but frapi support is on the roadmap for version 0. . Optifine CEM (Custom entity models) Connected Textures. ctm_compact: Compact 8-way method, uses 5 tiles. A lot of things, windows especially, just look wrong if they are not working. It is not recommended to mix the. I already have connected textures but I miss the OptiFine custom item feature. Fixed an issue that caused chests to appear transparent when having enchanted armor equipped. _. Emissive textures with sodium (fabric) I am currently trying to get an emissive (glowing) ores texture pack so I can have a better experience while mining in 1. What if I also want the vanilla textures? Connected Glass doesn't replace the vanilla glass blocks, but instead adds extra ones Are there panes as well? Yes, there are also panes for every new glass type If you selected the use custom loader option when installing Iris, you add extra mods in the iris-reserved folder in . #325 opened last month by Astraica.